Category Spend Chart Component
The CategorySpendChartComponent
shows the user's most significant spend across various expense categories.
To use this view in a SwiftUI project, just call the CategorySpendChartComponent
method of your LuneSDKManager
instance as shown in the example below.
// BudgetView.Swift
import SwiftUI
import LuneSDK
struct BudgetView: View {
// removed for simplicity...
var body: some View {
To use this view in an Objective-C project, just call the CategorySpendChartComponent
method of your LuneSDKObjcManager
instance as shown in the example below.
// YourViewController.m
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// category spend chart setup, after initilizing luneSDK
UIViewController *hostingController = [self.luneSDK
[self addChildViewController:hostingController];
[self.view addSubview:hostingController.view];
// constraints setup removed for simplicity...